okay. third entry in a matter of hours...
but it's midnight, so it counts as another day. :]
haven't done a lot of my homework......... should probably get started on that.
in my defense, i was really honestly working on something. it was just way more enjoyable than homework could ever be.
piano ftw~ planning a bunch of fun tunes for a military brunch thingy i'm doing. want more hymns, but nothing too sad i guess... *shrugs* 'tis a delicate balance, so i'm planning everything from new fun pop to slow old ballads.
just not jazz.
computer, do my homework for me.
OC concert tomorrow night.
was thinking more about Dreamers Dust... still undecided on a neckline, but whatever i do, it should be able to look smooth if i put a shimmery something on top as a jacket/bolero type deal.
also, pondering if the skirt should have just detachable poof (w/ a softer tulle, perhaps?), and the ability to like turn the bottom hem up to my waist and make it so it isn't a full-length skirt. (like knee-length, of course :])
but there are many many problems associated with that idea, so i'll have to muse over it some more.
today i ran around in an awkwardly short pink skirt and baby blue tank top after school taking pictures of EVERYTHING in the sunset lawl.
eventually i'll get more prom pics up........maybe. *shrugs*
the pics i took with shioko show a crapton of cleavage... sweatdrop so i had to crop one of them before it became my facebook profile pic ^^
brit lit timeline.
spanish chapters 9-11
comp lit just pray i can finish eventually (mentally preparing to recreate the entire school in my spare time from now until graduation)
trig i promise you i DID try to work on the homework, and i'm super excited because most of it makes sense whee but there's just this one part that's kinda sorta important that i don't understand...
OH and celebratory news on that front. got the midquarter grade from trig... and I got 5 points for every chapter 7 assignment i didn't hand in. x3
5 points out of a possible 5 on each, my dear. HAH.
maybe it's because the few review days he gave us before the test, i was constantly bothering him for help on my own review test i wrote haha.
in any case, i'm not complaining. :]
wonder how i did at nationals.
strange i'm still awake. think i'll finish brit lit and work on spanish a bit now.
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