Dad and Heather are coming home. Today. At 5.
I'm excited and scared at the same time. And interesting. I want to see how bad Heather really is. I mean, people in my family are all, "Oh, Steve[my dad], you shouldn't take Heather in! She'll be a bad influence on Kelsey!" What really annoys me, is that my family sees me as the pinnacle of perfection. I hate it. I'm the Clark's little cheek to pinch right now. They're all thinking, "Liek, OmG, Heather's gonna dent Kelsey's perfect record. Liek, OmG. Screw Heather. She doesn't need a home. She's too messed up, beyond helping." It's REALLY miffing me. I mean, seriously! My aunt[not Heather's mom, it's Heather's aunt too] has totally abandoned Heather, and is like, "Don't take her in, Steven, you can't help her and this is only going to hurt Kelsey, you know how she is." They're all worrying about freaking /groundless/ fears! I've been around far worse than Heather, and they don't know how I deal with stuff. I can help Heather. In our minds, /I/ am the older person, even though she's going to be 16 soon. /I/ am the more mature person, even though she's had longer to mature. /I/ am the bigger person-- mentally. And I am going to help my cousin if it kills me.
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Wed Mar 29, 2006 @ 11:53am · 14 Comments |