strange day. like a hangover. only instead of a headache, it's a sore throat and a strong desire to return to bed.
weekend was fantabulous for the most part~~
Friday night got gazillions of hugs and had fun at the bonfire, saturday was the parade (i had a breakdown at the reception beforehand), thought my costume totally ruined the awesomeness of everyone elses' *sigh*, went to PA3 that night (it sucked), Sunday had church, dined in the dining room for lunch (queer...), and went to shioko's for the candy hunt.
didn't get a lot of candy, but I'm more than a little confident that there'll be candy super on sale later this week. muahaha.
tons of homework and the like. most pressing is the need for 10 pages of newspaper article reviews by wednesday (I've read all but 1 needed article, haven't started typing any of them yet). also due wednesday is a journal entry for something or other, a play review, and reading up the wazoo.
so now I'm off to the library to get that last article, then heading back here to start typing crap.
i think.
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