Deidara smiled
"I never said you hated her.Un"
"Liar!"sasori shouted.
Kiname smiled as the boys continued their aguring.
..............(Leader's room or something) ( stressed i don't want to think)
"soooo...tell me...Just who is she?"
Zetsu sighed.
"How am i supossed to know?"
"You will find out...I need to know what i can about her...I..I don't trust her."
Zetsu looked at the leader confused but he smiled.
"What? are you..Are you afraid of her or som.."
he didn't get to finish his saying because the leader grabbed his neck.
(don't he grabbed his neck is beyond me....he just did)
"I'm not afraid...I just don't find it possiable for someone of deidara's blood to be the way she is...If you havn't noticed she has the mark of a demon charmer...if she wanted to ..she could relese every demon we have captive.."
Zetsu laughed..
"So your afraid of her?"
The leader slammed him aginst the wall.
"Zetsu your walking on a fine line...Go! bring her to me...and if sasori and deidara try to follow stop them in any way possaible!"
Zetsu rubbed his neck.
"Fine fine.."He mummbled walking out.
( sorry i have to go...once again..yeah yeah..I know this one was short but i'll write more later or something okay? 4laugh )BYE BYE oh and please comment!!!! xd
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Questing: Gift of the Colibri

Questing: Gift of the Colibri

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Community Member
WHY isit that MY GUYS always fight with each other in YOUR STORIES?!?!?!? IT'S JUST FREAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (half of it's prooly mah fault though sweatdrop )
N E WAYS, GO YOU, GO YOU!!! Yay 4 teh story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mrgreen