The curse called a name I was branded with:
Pandora Attis
I have been living long enough to see:
613 years
The abilities that I control and can call my own:
The ability to control shadows and darkness, Control Dark creatures [ black wolves, Black cats, Ravens/Crows], Shape shifting, And whenever in trouble telepathy.
The disappointment and depression I call my life:
Pandora was born and raised in Ireland, She had 2 sisters and an older brother. She was always different from her brothers and sisters. she looked different, acted different, had different hair and eye color. She was labeled a freak. When she was 9 years old she started getting head aches and weird things happened. Stuff started breaking, flying, sometimes just disappearing. The worse the head ache, the weirder things were.
She tried everything to get rid of the headaches but Pandora's parents shipped her off to a military school in Germany. After she was shaved, bathed and clothed, she stayed there for 12 years. It was an all girl military school and she made a lover who had the same kind of problems as her. They both learned together and taught each other the ability's they had. They kept it hidden for a long time till the Geheimdienst found out.
They got turned in for a secret military operation with 9 other kids like them but they fought back. They refused to cooperate with the Geheimdienst until... it took them 7 months for them to break Pandora, but they finally did at the cost of her lover. They killed her because after seeing their ability's through the tapes, she was stronger. She want ballistic ....
She ripped out of the binds that held her down, ripped through the walls that kept her in, Took her lover and ran. She buried her in the forest and became a nomad. She goes back to her lover's grave every year. She's stayed in the forest most of her life but, the lover's she's had, all died. Whatever created her gave her the lift of long life and she somewhat despises it. All the people she loved, died before her. As they grew old, she stayed young in body.
She wandered from town to town picking up different persona's every time, never staying the same. Her gender is confused a lot, She hardly reveals it, Whatever gender you call her by, she'll go along with.
My blood, my clan, my true being is a:
My best tool is a:
Battle Ax, War Hammer, Guns and Small Throwing Knives.
The worn and tired image I see in the mirror:

The puppeteer and person I call God:
Killer Queen Antoinette.