(Art by Disrupted Equilibrium)
Name(s) (nicknames, aliases, derogatory): Liang Fan/Dr. Fan/Li Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual Date of Birth/Age: August 18th, 1900/210 Place of Birth: Beijing, China “Home”: Nowhere—He stayed in New York for a century, and a few decades in other places, but he never called anywhere home. Citizenship/Nationality: Chinese/ Asian Race/Ethnicity: Chinese/Asian Height/Weight: 5'7''/ 130 lbs Eye color: black with a hint of grey in the right light Hair quantity/color: black, messy, not past his chin, side swept bangs Unusual facial and bodily features: He has his right ear pierced up near the top, and one on the lobe. He has a scar on his left knee where he gashed it open while climbing a mountain in India. Marital Status: Single Sibling(s): None Children: None Pets: None Occupation(s): Chemistry Professor at Theodosia Academy Education: Attended University of Cambridge in New York and obtained his degree in chemistry. He later went back to obtain his degree in Biology. Medical Conditions: Dhampir, if that counts. He needs blood to survive, although not as frequently as full vampires Hygiene Habits: His apartment is usually a mess of books, papers, cigarette packages and playing cards. His work space in the lab though, is pristine and clean to the extreme. Liang likes to keep his professional and personal life separate, and shows it in this habit. Sleep Patterns: Sleeps all day, works all night. He prefers night working. Dream/Nightmare: His dreams consist of winning in games of poker, and seeing his parents together when he was young. His nightmares consist of the purging that the Chinese government did during the Cultural Revolution, and the repression of it’s peoples. He also dreams of running away from something, though he can never tell what it is. He attributes this to his nature to wonder, and nothing more. Favorites (clothes, food, music, etc.): Liang loves cardi’s and jeans. Anything comfortable that he can work in without being constricted is great for him. Liang is fond of rock music and classical. It is not odd to find him working in his lab with such music blasted over a pair of speakers he probably wired himself. Liang doesn’t eat much food, as it tastes wrong to him. He prefers blood. Mode(s) of transportation: Whatever gets him where he wants to go Handicaps: N/A Illnesses: N/A Obsession(s): Smoking, swearing, writing, cards, his new lab space Secret(s): Liang secretly harbours a hope that his father is still alive, but will never admit to it. Liang also desires to release the AIDS cure internationally at the cost of the Chinese government. Frustration(s): War, the Chinese government, oppressions, loudness, anything that takes a lot of effort that doesn’t have a proven benefit to him, no smoking signs, and unknown variables. Other: His mother was a human, and his father a vampire. Both of them lived happily together as a family, until his mother died when he was 45 during the civil war. His father, having lived long enough, and after making sure his son was safely out of China, disappeared. Liang devoted a large part of his life to finding him, but after 70 years of searching, he has since assumed that his father committed suicide by fire.
Liang, during his years of searching, picked up several languages around the world, and now knows Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese and English. He settled down in New York in 2015, and earned his degree in Chemistry. He later went back to university to earn a degree in Biology. Despite his academic achievements, Liang is a lazy man to the extreme, who likes to do nothing better than have a smoke while playing a card game in a bar. He has hardly any morals, and swears more than a sailor. He is often late to appointments, classes, and meetings.
In 2100, he moved back to China and worked as a researcher for the government. Liang lives a comfortable lifestyle, thanks to his discovery of the cure for AIDS, which sadly, has been privatized by the government of China and sold at high prices, making it one of the causes of the impending World War 3. He lived in Beijing, and has since being called to work in Canada. He was eager to accept the position, as the Chinese government was in heated debates with America. Liang, not wanting trouble, accepted the offer from Theodosia, simply to get away from the pressure of the government.
Other2: Liang’s apartment at Theodosia is much like any other apartment he’s owned: scarcely furnished, and messy. He has a desk in his living room where he does his work, with the curtains drawn to block out the ‘annoying’ sun. On the wall behind his desk is where he keeps his personal items: a painted picture of his mother and father, a map of the world with markers for where he’s been, along with pictures surrounding it of mentors or people he stayed with. He keeps a picture of Mai and him working in the lab in a frame on his work table. The entire wall surrounding his desk is covered in notes, sketches, and formulas. They overlap each other, and would seem like a jarbled mess to anyone else, but to Liang, it’s his thoughts and formulas for biological questions, and makes perfect sense. It’s like a mind map laid out on the wall for him to look at while he’s working, and add on to when he gets another piece of a puzzle. He is currently working on a definitive cure for all forms of cancer.
Artemis Solie · Fri Jun 24, 2011 @ 04:56am · 0 Comments |