Taking It All In
There is a meaning to the word "love". I never got the chance to understand that for I was too young. I would always ask my piers what that meant, and they just laugh at me. I ask my parents and I get a lecture. But when I ask you, I can already see the answer written all over your face. I wanna say the right words to you, but the wrong words to hurt you. There is also a meaning to the word "hurt". Why do I see that in your eyes? Why do I see myself in your eyes?
There is a meaning to the word "love". I never got the chance to understand that for I was too young. I would always ask my piers what that meant, and they just laugh at me. I ask my parents and I get a lecture. But when I ask you, I can already see the answer written all over your face. I wanna say the right words to you, but the wrong words to hurt you. There is also a meaning to the word "hurt". Why do I see that in your eyes? Why do I see myself in your eyes?

"What does it take for me to be with you and hold you in my arms?"

"When will be the last time I'm going to see that smile on you shimmering face?"

Hiro is my name. I like it just like that! I've lived a very peaceful life, until she moved me. If I haven't met her, than I would have gone on with my life without any complication. I would have still lived peacefully. But I think that has changed now. I don't regret it, but I also won't forget it. Remember that time when I was with you at that time in the beach, and you would sing me that song, and show me a dance. Ah! Yes, those were the memories. I can even remember the first time we met... during the first day in high school. You were probably the first to approach me. What a brave girl you were! How did it go again...?
When I first got out of bed, I could see the cherry blossoms that flattered the Autumn breeze, from afar. Wandering around the atmosphere, it seemed so perfect. The music was off, for there were always going to be a rumbling sound that would wake up the birds and crash the moment in the morning. Too loud early in the morning and to soon it seemed. I sat on my bed, feeling uptight. It was going to be the first day of high school, which was what I have been waiting for this whole summer. The fun seems like it only started. It didn't seem long ago that I was riding on my bike and fooling around with my friends. Oh, it was just yesterday that it happened! "Hiro! Wake up! You're going to be late on your first day of school! That's such a shame!" my mother hollered from downstairs. Excitement filled my body. I was a high school student and I couldn't wait of what was coming at me.
Little did I know that was the time when I was going to meet someone like you in my life. Where did I ever go wrong?
Once I got to the gate, my friends were already there, waiting for me, or probably looking at the girls in our school. My best friend, Tsubashi-kun, or Tsuba. He's just like me, but not as better looking. Though, he is more hilarious than I am sometimes. And chases after girls more often than I do also. It's embarrassing, but its all the truth. Then there's Atsu, his twin. They both aren't as close to a twin! Atsu is much more smarter and has more common sense than myself and Tsuba put together! Though he hangs out with us a lot. On the other hand, Kyouri is one of the sporty kind of people. He's the tall, kind, gentle-like person. Most girls fall for him other than Tsubashi, who intend to take the first move. And I couldn't forget Hinomi-chan. She was my childhood friend ever since I was in kindergarten! Before I met any of these guys, she would always care for me and pamper me whenever she can. But I'll always think of her as my onee-chan. There's nothing that can change that. Hinomionee-chan is a year older than me, and that's why I treat he like my older sister. Some people might mistake that sometimes, but it doesn't get awkward between us, and never had. Hey,guys!" I yelled towards them, waving my hands and sprinting forwards, but it was all to fast!
That was the firs time I met you, Kyoni-chan. You bumped into me when both you and I weren't looking where we were going. How did it all turn out?
"AH!" the girl I bumped into screamed. She tumbled the opposite way I did, but I didn't fall completely. As Atsu ran towards us, I knelt down to help the girl who was so fragile. She must have ran into me, but I was too strong for that! "Hey, are you alright?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulders, shaking her. As the girl gain conscious, she replied, "Yeah! That was some accident! Are you alright?" I couldn't believe my ears! I was the one that didn't fall and she was the one that was on the ground, with a bruise on her knee, and this idiot is asking if I'm alright? How stupid is she?! Atsu finally came and knelt down asking the same thing as she did. The rest came after we helped her up. "Hey, I'm so sorry! i really didn't mean to run into you, I just saw my friend, but she didn't hear me, so I ran towards her. Are you sure that you're alright?" she explained. Was she begging for forgiveness? I thumped her on the forehead, but that seemed so different of me. Usually, I would reply and walk away? Was I attracted to her or something? This was so weird. Tsuba, Kyouri, and Hinomi walked to me began interrogating me. I felt like a criminal for bumping into this girl "Hey babe! What's your name?" Tsubashi asked, putting an arm around her. She looked so confused, I was about to do something before Kyouri pushed Tsubashi's arm down. It was unusual for Kyouri to do something like that, but he could have just realized that she felt uncomfortable. Did he? "My name is Kyoni Hajimaru. But you can just call me Kyoni-chan. Everyone does. I don't like to be a stranger to anyone." she stated bowing down to her introduction.
Kyoni-chan, huh? I never forgotten that name ever since the day you told me, remember?
As Kyoni-chan left before us, I watched her until she left my sight. Was it just me or was I just acting strange. Atsu pushed he glasses to match his eye level, then started to walk with the others in a different direction. We first went to the Opening Ceremony that was held for newcomers. Just information of the school, what we do here, blah, blah, blah, blah. They announced that the 1st period was free for today and we got to chat around, socializing. I wanted to get a detour from Hinomionee-chan, everyone agreed on it. She was planning to meet us at our homeroom when she could get there, cause she had Student Council. Tsubashi, Atsu, Kyouri, and I ended up in the same class.. again! You cannot believe how many times I had the same class with the 3 of them for the past years, Ever since elementary and middle! Its our 9th class together! But that's how we ended up as friends. Once we got to our homeroom, girls gathered in front of us making noises and shouting. "EKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" they shouted in unison. What the hell is this I thought?' Tsubashi walked infront of all of us to announce something. As he raised his hands, I noticed the girl in the morning. Kyoni-chan sitting on the desk chatting with some of her friends. I can't believe she was in the same class as me! That's so amazing!! But would she remember me? Tsubashi was surrounded by all these girls in homeroom, and it hasn't even been an hour! This guy sometimes, really? "Hiro! These girls want to go on a Goukon with us? And bringing some friends? Want to come? Kyouri? Atsu?" Tsubashi insisted. I sighed, that's how I was going to start my year. Always going on a Goukon. Tsubashi sometimes goes out there and doesn't want to come back. "Sure," Kyouri agreed. Kyouri is someone who is carefree most of the time. Doesn't matter if he had plans, its always to join with everyone. Maybe that's why most girls go for him than Tsuba. I haven't paid any attention to Atsu, and noticed that he already sat down. I flinched. I felt irradiated and furious. His seat wasright next to Kyoni-chan and I wanted it. Kyoni seemed to notice him and smiled. Atsu smiled back, but in a different way that I have seen. With more from the heart than with force. What was up with that?
A random girl approached me and says, "Hey Hiro! I'm Nakami Hirunashi. You can call me Nakami! Please take care of me!" I nodded and put my hand of her shoulder, then left to go with Atsu. All the students that were girls turned around to look at what I was doing. I leaned over Atsu, seeing if Kyoni-chan would notice me also. But apparently, she was talking to her friends. Some other guy friends. Why am I so damn pissed! I sat across from Atsu and he stared at me like some idiot. The people finally minded their own business, well, except for Tsubashi. He went around the classroom asking for all the girls phone number and some of his old pals and new pals. One day, he's going to ask the wrong question at the wrong time, and he's going to end up moving to Brazil. I'd laugh. "What's wrong with you?" Atsu asked putting his stuff away. I didn't want to be ignorant and not answer him. He doesn't even know why I'm mad, and I'm just being childish. WHAT?! "Hahahaha!!!!" I heard Kyoni-chan laugh out loud. She was talking to Tsubashi! What the ****?! 'Okay, Hiro. Calm down.Why the hell are you pissed? You guys just met and now you're getting mood swings? What are you? A girl? NO!' I shook my head, messing up my hair some, and squeezed my eyes. I needed to get my mind straight, and fast before I lose it. When I opened my eyes, she was right there smiling at me. I couldn't tell if she was laughing at me or just trying to make fun of me. Her hand was on the desk, and her head poked and she had the best smile. I wanted to keep that to myself. I know I was probably being selfish and all, but I wanted that smile, and it was only for me. "What are you doing?" I asked. She stood up and my eyes only looked at her and her only. "Make that face again! That was funny!" she stated. I was confused, and at the same time relieved. She was talking to me! I'm not the first, but at least she talked to me! I tried to act calm, and cool. "What are you talking about?" I asked. Kyoni-chan tilted her head and repeated, "That face of yours?! It was soooo funny!" she laughed. That girl from before, Nakami, twisted her around and yelled, "Don't make fun of Hiro! You have no right to! Beg down and say that you're sorry! Now!" I stood up, but before I could say anything, Kyouri turned her around and slapped her in the face. "You have no right to say his name so formally like you know him! And don't be so rash to just say to a person to beg down for forgiveness!" Kyouri-kun demanded. Everyone's attention was faced to us now.
Nakami's face was so red. You could see the hand mark on her face. I felt sorry, but at the same time, she did deserve it. "K-Kyouri, that was a little too much, don't you think?" Tsubashi stated, trying to get into the whole thing. "I hate it when people try to make fun of people, and put themselves in the center of the whole atmosphere. It stating the fact that you don't have anything." he replies, then he walked next Kyoni. "I think the one to apologize is you, Hirunashi-san." There was a complete silence. It was at the same time awkward, that this sort of thing happening so early in the year. There was a feeling that this class was never going to get along so easily. Then, Kyoni mad a move. She left Kyouri and held onto Nakami's arm. "Please don't be too harsh on her. I understand her feeling if some girl went to flirt with the guy I like." Kyoni-chan says facing her enemy now. "I'm sorry if what I did made you feel uncomfortable, Hirunashi-san. Let's wipe that mark on your face," She then stepped out of the room with Nakami. Once they did, ever single person who could gossip did. I wanted to see what would happen, but I didn't want to want to look desperate. Kyouri and the rest of the group sighed. Myself along. That girl is interesting," Tsubashi commented. Atsu nodded and added, "Kyoni-chan, huh? I have a feeling that she'll be remembered forever," Kyouri leaned against the desk and closed his eyes, shaking his head. "I just made a fool of myself, let alone, in front of her..." Kyouri announced. "Whatcha mean?" I asked. He raised his head and looked at me with that expression. An expression that looked solemn. I haven't seen him make that face before, in my life that I've known him, he never made that face at me."I'm head over heels, right now, over something so ridiculous," he explained.
Why did I not want to hear that right now? There were already so many things happening that I didn't want another problem after another. I should have gotten up early without any complication. "Hey, Hiro, an upperclassmen is here to see you." a random classmate told me. For a second I had to think of who it was, but then I remembered it was Hinomi. My friends and I walked outside to see her. "I'm so sorry that I'm late you guys!! I had to help these freshman and other Student Council problems. I had a short break, and I told them I had to meet some people. I don't think I can give you guys a detour today. Maybe some time when I'm free, okay?" Hinomi clarified. Tsubashi placed an arm on her shoulder. "Cool it, we understand. Go ahead and finish what you had to do. Don't mind us," Tsubashi affirmed. Atsu nodded in agreement and added, "We're not little kids onee-chan. We're freshmen students remember?" Hinomi beamed with brightness and letting us know she was pleased. Hinomionee-chan is the only girl that is comfortable around all of us. As a friend and as an older sister. She cared about all of us ever since we were young. Then a light of came on, "Oh! I passed that girl, um... Kyoni-chan a while ago. She was with another classmate, I guess. She had a hand mark on her face! I felt sorry for her!" she recalled. We stared at Kyouri who caused that to happen. He shrugged and admitted, "She was trying to be a show off and think she's all that saying to Kyoni-chan to apologize and beg to Hiro for some small misunderstanding. Really, I can't stand those girls," Onee-chan shook her head and let a heavy sigh out. But then she looked curious. She looked at me and pointed a finger at me. "Hey! It's not nice to point!" I exclaimed putting her finger down. It made me feel like I was the bad guy or something. "Why? What happened?" she asked, crossing her arms. I looked away, told the truth, "What? All girls fight for me instead of Tsuba. There's nothing wrong with that, now is there?" Tsuba grabbed hold of my neck and we started to wrestle in the hall. Even though it was a starting as a bad day, it all seemed to clear up. This was like an original memory, just us and onee-chan fooling around. "W-what the hell are you talking about? Who in there mind would fight over you instead of me! G-g-geeze you!" he laughed giving me a nuggy, in the head. I laughed and joked around. I don't want to let onee-chan find out for some reason. Even though it was a little mistake, I don't want her to worry. This was a small fault to her, but a troublesome dilemma to me. "You can never be too careful" my father used to tell me.
I can't say anything right now, but I feel that that girl, that simple minded girl is going to be the main complication in my life this moment. I might be insane to not go after her...