Turned You Inside-Out
Hitori Kunomari is an average teenage girl with exquisite twists in her life. Like a normal teenage girl, she goes to high school, has a crush on the most popular guy, and family problems. Well, this Hitori doesn't have those kinds of understandings in her life. She's a girl who is very much close to looking, acting, being a guy. Surprising, yes, but also very convincing. Mostly everyone from middle school would mistake her a dude, and treat her differently. She would often get, "I like you. Do you want to go out with me?" kind of thing when she's out in school or just randomly in the streets. Figured that when she goes to high school, nobody would know a single thing that she is a girl in fact. So, why not give it a try just for a little bit. But finding the truth is the most minimal thing that she has in her mind. She's got it all planned out, that there must be nothing wrong with it. Well, that's what she thought...

It annoys me so very much. It annoys me like I want to pull the hair out of my head so much. I can't believe it though. People still mistake me as a guy even till this very day! What is up with people these days man! But if my looks really look are very convincing, than I can pull it off. I wanna give it a try. I wanna to see how long it would take for people to see that I'm not really a guy. But for me, isn't it a little going over the top? It pisses me off a lot that I can't be noticed as a girl, but I'm going to an all boys' school just to prove it. It would be the weirdest thing I ever did so far, but I hate the fact that people can't see who I really am. I'm like a baby, you can't tell the gender of the baby by its face until you take the diapers off. This is ridiculous to me, but it's really worth a try. And the most ironic thing about it is that I did get accepted to the all boys' high school this fall and I'm going.
As soon as I walked out the door of the house, I started to feel tension crawl all over my body. There was no way that I could pull one day in an all boys' school but I'm the one that choose this, so I shouldn't be the one backing already. My fist was to the sky, and hopefully I wasn't going to make a mistake. I walk towards the streets, watching the other ladies and gentlemen with brand new uniforms; excited. It mattered to me all the time that I wasn't being seen as a lady, only because of my looks and actions. I lived with 4 older brothers, how can I not act like a guy sometimes. The group of girls ran pass my, one looking back and blushing at the sight of a handsome boy. Must be me? I grinned back at her, keeping my cool and trying to stay in the atmosphere. I'm a guy remember?' I thought to myself.
It felt weird. Wearing pants to school and a blazer. Most of the schools around here has the girls wearing skirts and the guys wearing jeans, but even when I was wearing a skirt, the girls can't seem to tell the differences anyways. It was all baggy and hanging off my hips. Today, I had to make sure that I wore boxers, so that they wouldn't do a wedge on me and pull my panties off. That would be the weirdest thing ever! The school I went to was probably 12 blocks away from my house, I didn't need to take a train, but then I would have to wake up extra early and walk all the way there. I can't believe that I didn't think of riding my bike this morning. Smart. But today, I think it was pretty early so far. Until I heard the bell ring from across the block, then I started to run. Being late on the first day of school was the least I can do right now. I didn't want to cause a commotion, but to also say, that most of the guys are going to be late other than me alone.
I ran to the homeroom, up the stairs and passed the halls, making it just in time. I opened it slightly, taking a deep breath before I show my face to the others. Then I walk in, hearing ruckus as the teacher tries to settle them down. This was my class for the year. Probably the messes and loudest class in the whole floor. The people look at me, analyzing my facial expression and my posture. I tried to act it cool and normal like any other guy would. "Glad you can join us, Mr. Please take a seat anywhere for right now, I will be seating you shortly." the teacher announced. The closest desk that was empty I sat in. The volume started to lower down and got under control as the teacher started to read names. I was about to sit down when the teacher called on my name. I had eyes fully on me, but this one person reading a book close to the front. He had the same black hair cut as I did from look in the back view. 'The guys in the classroom weren't as bad looking. I thought from my girl point of view.
The teacher began reading our names again, tell us to sit where he wanted us to sit. This was our assigned seats for now, unless he changed it he had said. The guy that had the same hair cut as me sat in the seat I sat at first, looking outside now. I paid close attention to his face, he looked somewhat like me in a way. But only that I wore glasses. I figured if I was going to a new school, I should be wearing glasses so that no one notice me or that I won't attract attention. It was sorta working. The guy sitting next to me asked, "So you're Hitori Kunomari-kun right?" I nodded. He held a hand out and I shook it. "And you must be?" I asked. He smiled and replied, "The name is Reo, nice to meet you," This was amazing. Never knew how an all boys' school could be this fun. I've made my first friend so far. 'You really look like Ritoji back there ya' know. And your names are close to the same pronunciation, too. Weird." he stated. I titled my head and blinked a couple of times. Reo looked at me funny. But I was too slow to notice that I was acting sorta like a girl there for a moment. I raised my head up high again, and with nothing else to do, I just shook my head. He caught that I didn't know who he was talking about and then pointed to the guy that took my seat a while ago. "Ohhhhhh," I said.
R 3 O
'So his name is Ritoji, huh?' His name was really close to mine, but just change the beginning and the end a little and it would be mine. The way I looked at him, he sorta did look like me in a way. I took my glasses off and Reo looked surprised. "Holy s**t! Your eyes are like girl eyes or something! Damn that's the first time I saw a guy with those kinds of looking eyes!" he yelled, rocking his chair back and forth. The whole room focused on my again, examining my eyes to see the truth of what Reo said. "Ehehehe," I rubbed the back of my head, and put my glasses back on. 'Reo! Damn that kid!' I thought. He didn't have to say it so loudly like I got surgery on it or something. Now people must thing that I'm gay. Geeze. Little, by little, guys started to stare at me through out the whole day. I couldn't stand it at all! During lunch, I was about to say something, but instead, I kept myself cool, and just needed to take some refreshing air. I went outside to eat my lunch. A nearby place cafe that I knew about. The whole time I was there, I started to think of my friend. Nana. She was the only one that was really my friend, that noticed me as the real me. It was weird, because she could tell me apart easily, but the others couldn't. Nana was the one that showed me this place. She said it was her that found it. Not a lot of people go here because they think it's run down or something, but really it isn't. They have really good sweets and everything! I love their food cause it doesn't have too much sugar and but still some. Its neutral.
I opened the door and suddenly, I saw Nana! "Nana-chii!!!" I hollered. "Hitoni!!!" Nana-chii yelled back at me. She and I ran towards each giving B I G hugs. It was only a couple hours that I didn't see her, but its just me and her thats hanging out all day. I missed her so very much! "What are you doing here?" she asked after I let go, but still holding hands. "It was weird getting stared at school since this guy said I had 'girl eyes' so loud. And they just had to see if it was true. I explained to her. Nana tilted her head, confused because I forgot to tell her of my plan. I didn't want to tell her about it, because she's the can't-shut-her-mouth type of girl. Then she would run to my parents and tell them. "About that," I said, sitting in a random chair. "I enrolled in an all boys' school," She looked at me as if what I just said was a lie. Her mouth opened, and I was prepared to hear some screaming, but instead, I heard chuckles, then laughter. "Ahahahaha! You're kidding aren't you?! Haha! No. Seriously. What the hell you talking 'bout?" I sighed. She didn't believe me. "No. I'm serious also. I got in an all boys' school because everyone seems to believe that I'm a guy, so I want to test it out. And eventually. I got in." I explained, waiting for her reaction. Nana paused, stood up, and put her hands under her chin. Her eyes were suddenly widen and mouth open. "Don't tell me you go Segeki High," she guessed. I looked at her, and nodded. Yeah. How did she know that? Probably cause of my uniform. I never knew that the school was famous. But of course, it was an all boys' school. And a girl would know about it. "Cause then you would be in the same school as my brother!" she noted. I glared at her this time. Brother?! How come I never knew that she had a brother?! "You've got to be kidding me!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air.
"Nana! How come I never heard that you have a brother before?!" I complained crossing my hand. We were best friends ever since junior high, and I never knew a single thing about this. I've been to her house and hung out with her, but she never mentioned anything about a brother??? "Well, you see," she said. "My brother is really my twin, too and he has problems with girls. Not me, but other girls. Or maybe a girl. He ---" "Oh geeze. Don't tell me he's gay." I interrupted. "Nonononono!!! Hell no!" she replied, waving her hands. "My brother had a girlfriend that he liked very much, and he went out with her during 5th grade. The girl dumped him after one day they went out, so he has a grudge against girls. Ritoji thinks that all girls are harsh and a piece of ---" "Wait! Did you just say Ritoji? You mean you're related to Ritoji!" I interrupted. She nodded, surprised to know that I know about her brother. "Ritoji is you're twin brother and you didn't know that he looked almost like me in so many ways!!! Nana!" I complained shaking her. "I really didn't know you guys looked alike. I can tell you guys apart easily. It's not my fault." she stated. She was right. I shouldn't blame her. Even though that guy is really close to my facial features and everything else. Lucky that Nana was the one born with glasses, or else it would have been in trouble for me that time. My eyes watched the clock from the corner of my eye. Lunch was almost over! "I gotta run! I'll talk to you later. And maybe come over your house so we can deal with this." I said, running off back to school
My head spun around as I ran back to school. I couldn't keep myself calm as soon as I entered the room. The first thing that caught my eye was Ritoji, who now I know is Nana's twin brother. I tried my hardest not to look suspicious, but it wasn't working much. I would look back from time to time to watch him. His face did really look like him. And it was weird as hell. After school, I wanted so bad to talk to Ritoji, but I didn't know if he was like Nana being a big mouth and telling me off, but he must have saw me before at her house. I wonder why he hasn't said anything to me yet. As I got up to go home, a guy from class slammed his hand on my desk. I jumped to his action. "Sorry, did that scary you missy," he whispered near my ear. I glanced at him with worried eyes. 'How did he know?' I thought, anxious at this moment. He just walked away after whispering to me what my nightmare was. I ran after him, once he got to a quiet place. "Oh, is there something wrong, sir?" he placed innocent. I glared at him. He was either playing around with me, or mocking me. "Oh, c'mon hun. Don't play dumb with me. I know that you're a girl with the a**. You can't hide from me. It's going to take more than that to do the work." s**t! He knew. Damn! "W-what are you talking about. That's my wallet in my pocket. I don't have an a**! You pervert!" I explained myself. It didn't seem to fool him. He smirked. "Not a lot of girls would put their wallet in their back pocket. More like purse." I sighed loudly. I'll admit, this wasn't a very good idea. "What? Now you're going to tell off to the principal or something? Go ahead. This was for the fun of it anyways. I could care less." I admitted. He gave me a grin, which I seemed to react to. It was weird. I tried to hide it thought. "No. I'm not a snitch. I'm not going to tell the principal or anyone anything. Actually I want to see how long you could last this disguise without anyone finding out. I won't tell on one condition," 'Of course,' I thought. "You have to go on a date with me in your girl version," he replied. I had nothing else to do. What else can I do? Would he really keep my secret? I didn't even know his name and he wants to go to on a date with me? Geeze. But I need to keep it up as long as I can, not because he wants to see, but also me wants to see. Ha! "What's your name again?" I asked, giving my sure-whatever look. "The names Tsuka. Please be prepared to have a special date with me this weekend." he stated. I rolled my eyes.
Hitori Kunomari is an average teenage girl with exquisite twists in her life. Like a normal teenage girl, she goes to high school, has a crush on the most popular guy, and family problems. Well, this Hitori doesn't have those kinds of understandings in her life. She's a girl who is very much close to looking, acting, being a guy. Surprising, yes, but also very convincing. Mostly everyone from middle school would mistake her a dude, and treat her differently. She would often get, "I like you. Do you want to go out with me?" kind of thing when she's out in school or just randomly in the streets. Figured that when she goes to high school, nobody would know a single thing that she is a girl in fact. So, why not give it a try just for a little bit. But finding the truth is the most minimal thing that she has in her mind. She's got it all planned out, that there must be nothing wrong with it. Well, that's what she thought...

It annoys me so very much. It annoys me like I want to pull the hair out of my head so much. I can't believe it though. People still mistake me as a guy even till this very day! What is up with people these days man! But if my looks really look are very convincing, than I can pull it off. I wanna give it a try. I wanna to see how long it would take for people to see that I'm not really a guy. But for me, isn't it a little going over the top? It pisses me off a lot that I can't be noticed as a girl, but I'm going to an all boys' school just to prove it. It would be the weirdest thing I ever did so far, but I hate the fact that people can't see who I really am. I'm like a baby, you can't tell the gender of the baby by its face until you take the diapers off. This is ridiculous to me, but it's really worth a try. And the most ironic thing about it is that I did get accepted to the all boys' high school this fall and I'm going.
As soon as I walked out the door of the house, I started to feel tension crawl all over my body. There was no way that I could pull one day in an all boys' school but I'm the one that choose this, so I shouldn't be the one backing already. My fist was to the sky, and hopefully I wasn't going to make a mistake. I walk towards the streets, watching the other ladies and gentlemen with brand new uniforms; excited. It mattered to me all the time that I wasn't being seen as a lady, only because of my looks and actions. I lived with 4 older brothers, how can I not act like a guy sometimes. The group of girls ran pass my, one looking back and blushing at the sight of a handsome boy. Must be me? I grinned back at her, keeping my cool and trying to stay in the atmosphere. I'm a guy remember?' I thought to myself.
It felt weird. Wearing pants to school and a blazer. Most of the schools around here has the girls wearing skirts and the guys wearing jeans, but even when I was wearing a skirt, the girls can't seem to tell the differences anyways. It was all baggy and hanging off my hips. Today, I had to make sure that I wore boxers, so that they wouldn't do a wedge on me and pull my panties off. That would be the weirdest thing ever! The school I went to was probably 12 blocks away from my house, I didn't need to take a train, but then I would have to wake up extra early and walk all the way there. I can't believe that I didn't think of riding my bike this morning. Smart. But today, I think it was pretty early so far. Until I heard the bell ring from across the block, then I started to run. Being late on the first day of school was the least I can do right now. I didn't want to cause a commotion, but to also say, that most of the guys are going to be late other than me alone.
I ran to the homeroom, up the stairs and passed the halls, making it just in time. I opened it slightly, taking a deep breath before I show my face to the others. Then I walk in, hearing ruckus as the teacher tries to settle them down. This was my class for the year. Probably the messes and loudest class in the whole floor. The people look at me, analyzing my facial expression and my posture. I tried to act it cool and normal like any other guy would. "Glad you can join us, Mr. Please take a seat anywhere for right now, I will be seating you shortly." the teacher announced. The closest desk that was empty I sat in. The volume started to lower down and got under control as the teacher started to read names. I was about to sit down when the teacher called on my name. I had eyes fully on me, but this one person reading a book close to the front. He had the same black hair cut as I did from look in the back view. 'The guys in the classroom weren't as bad looking. I thought from my girl point of view.
The teacher began reading our names again, tell us to sit where he wanted us to sit. This was our assigned seats for now, unless he changed it he had said. The guy that had the same hair cut as me sat in the seat I sat at first, looking outside now. I paid close attention to his face, he looked somewhat like me in a way. But only that I wore glasses. I figured if I was going to a new school, I should be wearing glasses so that no one notice me or that I won't attract attention. It was sorta working. The guy sitting next to me asked, "So you're Hitori Kunomari-kun right?" I nodded. He held a hand out and I shook it. "And you must be?" I asked. He smiled and replied, "The name is Reo, nice to meet you," This was amazing. Never knew how an all boys' school could be this fun. I've made my first friend so far. 'You really look like Ritoji back there ya' know. And your names are close to the same pronunciation, too. Weird." he stated. I titled my head and blinked a couple of times. Reo looked at me funny. But I was too slow to notice that I was acting sorta like a girl there for a moment. I raised my head up high again, and with nothing else to do, I just shook my head. He caught that I didn't know who he was talking about and then pointed to the guy that took my seat a while ago. "Ohhhhhh," I said.
R 3 O
'So his name is Ritoji, huh?' His name was really close to mine, but just change the beginning and the end a little and it would be mine. The way I looked at him, he sorta did look like me in a way. I took my glasses off and Reo looked surprised. "Holy s**t! Your eyes are like girl eyes or something! Damn that's the first time I saw a guy with those kinds of looking eyes!" he yelled, rocking his chair back and forth. The whole room focused on my again, examining my eyes to see the truth of what Reo said. "Ehehehe," I rubbed the back of my head, and put my glasses back on. 'Reo! Damn that kid!' I thought. He didn't have to say it so loudly like I got surgery on it or something. Now people must thing that I'm gay. Geeze. Little, by little, guys started to stare at me through out the whole day. I couldn't stand it at all! During lunch, I was about to say something, but instead, I kept myself cool, and just needed to take some refreshing air. I went outside to eat my lunch. A nearby place cafe that I knew about. The whole time I was there, I started to think of my friend. Nana. She was the only one that was really my friend, that noticed me as the real me. It was weird, because she could tell me apart easily, but the others couldn't. Nana was the one that showed me this place. She said it was her that found it. Not a lot of people go here because they think it's run down or something, but really it isn't. They have really good sweets and everything! I love their food cause it doesn't have too much sugar and but still some. Its neutral.
I opened the door and suddenly, I saw Nana! "Nana-chii!!!" I hollered. "Hitoni!!!" Nana-chii yelled back at me. She and I ran towards each giving B I G hugs. It was only a couple hours that I didn't see her, but its just me and her thats hanging out all day. I missed her so very much! "What are you doing here?" she asked after I let go, but still holding hands. "It was weird getting stared at school since this guy said I had 'girl eyes' so loud. And they just had to see if it was true. I explained to her. Nana tilted her head, confused because I forgot to tell her of my plan. I didn't want to tell her about it, because she's the can't-shut-her-mouth type of girl. Then she would run to my parents and tell them. "About that," I said, sitting in a random chair. "I enrolled in an all boys' school," She looked at me as if what I just said was a lie. Her mouth opened, and I was prepared to hear some screaming, but instead, I heard chuckles, then laughter. "Ahahahaha! You're kidding aren't you?! Haha! No. Seriously. What the hell you talking 'bout?" I sighed. She didn't believe me. "No. I'm serious also. I got in an all boys' school because everyone seems to believe that I'm a guy, so I want to test it out. And eventually. I got in." I explained, waiting for her reaction. Nana paused, stood up, and put her hands under her chin. Her eyes were suddenly widen and mouth open. "Don't tell me you go Segeki High," she guessed. I looked at her, and nodded. Yeah. How did she know that? Probably cause of my uniform. I never knew that the school was famous. But of course, it was an all boys' school. And a girl would know about it. "Cause then you would be in the same school as my brother!" she noted. I glared at her this time. Brother?! How come I never knew that she had a brother?! "You've got to be kidding me!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air.
"Nana! How come I never heard that you have a brother before?!" I complained crossing my hand. We were best friends ever since junior high, and I never knew a single thing about this. I've been to her house and hung out with her, but she never mentioned anything about a brother??? "Well, you see," she said. "My brother is really my twin, too and he has problems with girls. Not me, but other girls. Or maybe a girl. He ---" "Oh geeze. Don't tell me he's gay." I interrupted. "Nonononono!!! Hell no!" she replied, waving her hands. "My brother had a girlfriend that he liked very much, and he went out with her during 5th grade. The girl dumped him after one day they went out, so he has a grudge against girls. Ritoji thinks that all girls are harsh and a piece of ---" "Wait! Did you just say Ritoji? You mean you're related to Ritoji!" I interrupted. She nodded, surprised to know that I know about her brother. "Ritoji is you're twin brother and you didn't know that he looked almost like me in so many ways!!! Nana!" I complained shaking her. "I really didn't know you guys looked alike. I can tell you guys apart easily. It's not my fault." she stated. She was right. I shouldn't blame her. Even though that guy is really close to my facial features and everything else. Lucky that Nana was the one born with glasses, or else it would have been in trouble for me that time. My eyes watched the clock from the corner of my eye. Lunch was almost over! "I gotta run! I'll talk to you later. And maybe come over your house so we can deal with this." I said, running off back to school
My head spun around as I ran back to school. I couldn't keep myself calm as soon as I entered the room. The first thing that caught my eye was Ritoji, who now I know is Nana's twin brother. I tried my hardest not to look suspicious, but it wasn't working much. I would look back from time to time to watch him. His face did really look like him. And it was weird as hell. After school, I wanted so bad to talk to Ritoji, but I didn't know if he was like Nana being a big mouth and telling me off, but he must have saw me before at her house. I wonder why he hasn't said anything to me yet. As I got up to go home, a guy from class slammed his hand on my desk. I jumped to his action. "Sorry, did that scary you missy," he whispered near my ear. I glanced at him with worried eyes. 'How did he know?' I thought, anxious at this moment. He just walked away after whispering to me what my nightmare was. I ran after him, once he got to a quiet place. "Oh, is there something wrong, sir?" he placed innocent. I glared at him. He was either playing around with me, or mocking me. "Oh, c'mon hun. Don't play dumb with me. I know that you're a girl with the a**. You can't hide from me. It's going to take more than that to do the work." s**t! He knew. Damn! "W-what are you talking about. That's my wallet in my pocket. I don't have an a**! You pervert!" I explained myself. It didn't seem to fool him. He smirked. "Not a lot of girls would put their wallet in their back pocket. More like purse." I sighed loudly. I'll admit, this wasn't a very good idea. "What? Now you're going to tell off to the principal or something? Go ahead. This was for the fun of it anyways. I could care less." I admitted. He gave me a grin, which I seemed to react to. It was weird. I tried to hide it thought. "No. I'm not a snitch. I'm not going to tell the principal or anyone anything. Actually I want to see how long you could last this disguise without anyone finding out. I won't tell on one condition," 'Of course,' I thought. "You have to go on a date with me in your girl version," he replied. I had nothing else to do. What else can I do? Would he really keep my secret? I didn't even know his name and he wants to go to on a date with me? Geeze. But I need to keep it up as long as I can, not because he wants to see, but also me wants to see. Ha! "What's your name again?" I asked, giving my sure-whatever look. "The names Tsuka. Please be prepared to have a special date with me this weekend." he stated. I rolled my eyes.