Can't Tell If This Is Love...?
I'm currently going out with someone right now
And I can't tell if this is love or not.
Weird, huh? But every time I think about him, talk about him, and more
I always have a beat that skips in my heart
Is that a sign saying that I'm in love?
Or just feeling telling my that I'm just happy to be with him
I'm worried now, to see him walk out of my hands
To see him with any other girl, and to touch any other girl
I'm even afraid of the friends of his that are girls
Aren't I just jealous or is it the fact that I'm deeply in love with this guy
I know that I might be saying this before
But this time it's different...
He's not my friend, he's not my some guy that's far away from me
But I think that he's the love of my life
This is what happens when I'm in love

I laugh at your hilarious stories
Smile every time you says something sweet
Trip up the stairs when your behind me
Feel lonely when you can't be by my side
Listen to songs that remind me of us
Try to look good so you would look at only me
Want to tip-toe so I can kiss you on the cheeks
Miss your manly, deep voice
Hate to make you worry
Eager to hear you say "I love you" first
Love it when you hold me in your arms
Can't help to blush when I'm talking, listening, to you
Worry about you and what you do
Curious on what you have to say to my answers
Wants to know everything about you
Falls asleep every night with a good-night text message from you
Hates when I can't get my hug every day
Heart skips a beat when something exciting happens
Shakes when I'm worried to death
Love to be with you every day

Guess I'm head over heels, huh?
That isn't as bad as I think right?
It's a good thing to fall in love, but only if he loves you back
Make sure that you won't give him to anyone
Because the worse that can happen is the fact that he doesn't know you love him
And your just going to hurt yourself for that
My friend told me that I shouldn't give up
And I don't think I will now that I noticed what this feeling I have for him
The feeling of forever and ever
If you know what I mean
I told her that I have one heart to give to, and I haven't decided who I want to give it too
But I'm working on it and I think I might know who would take good care of it
And the only reason how I know who to give it too is because...
He shows it to me everyday that he cares

He won't let me do stupid things
Never have fights with me
I'm always the first thing on his mind
Can't stop talking about me
Would never let another guy touch me
Beat up anyone who messes with me
Won't keep secrets from me
Told me that he would do anything for me
Would do anything to keep my big smile on my beautiful face
Worry about little things that happen to me
I'm the last person he would talk to every night
Always on the positive side when it comes to talking to me
Make me laugh when I'm sad
Wishes to be here with me when I cry
Thinks I have big boobs and a sexy body
Loves me for who I am

This is what we feel for each other
Or so I think so...
But I know deep down in his heart
That I have a special part of him there that he won't give up to anyone else
Cause he has that part of his heart filled and I have a part of my heart filled
With his love...
What am I suppose to say? I know its corny...
You can't help a girl that's in love can you?
But there isn't a cure for it, sorry
When you have it, you have it
And that's a major event in your life that I bet you
You'll remember!

I'm currently going out with someone right now
And I can't tell if this is love or not.
Weird, huh? But every time I think about him, talk about him, and more
I always have a beat that skips in my heart
Is that a sign saying that I'm in love?
Or just feeling telling my that I'm just happy to be with him
I'm worried now, to see him walk out of my hands
To see him with any other girl, and to touch any other girl
I'm even afraid of the friends of his that are girls
Aren't I just jealous or is it the fact that I'm deeply in love with this guy
I know that I might be saying this before
But this time it's different...
He's not my friend, he's not my some guy that's far away from me
But I think that he's the love of my life
This is what happens when I'm in love

I laugh at your hilarious stories
Smile every time you says something sweet
Trip up the stairs when your behind me
Feel lonely when you can't be by my side
Listen to songs that remind me of us
Try to look good so you would look at only me
Want to tip-toe so I can kiss you on the cheeks
Miss your manly, deep voice
Hate to make you worry
Eager to hear you say "I love you" first
Love it when you hold me in your arms
Can't help to blush when I'm talking, listening, to you
Worry about you and what you do
Curious on what you have to say to my answers
Wants to know everything about you
Falls asleep every night with a good-night text message from you
Hates when I can't get my hug every day
Heart skips a beat when something exciting happens
Shakes when I'm worried to death
Love to be with you every day

Guess I'm head over heels, huh?
That isn't as bad as I think right?
It's a good thing to fall in love, but only if he loves you back
Make sure that you won't give him to anyone
Because the worse that can happen is the fact that he doesn't know you love him
And your just going to hurt yourself for that
My friend told me that I shouldn't give up
And I don't think I will now that I noticed what this feeling I have for him
The feeling of forever and ever
If you know what I mean
I told her that I have one heart to give to, and I haven't decided who I want to give it too
But I'm working on it and I think I might know who would take good care of it
And the only reason how I know who to give it too is because...
He shows it to me everyday that he cares

He won't let me do stupid things
Never have fights with me
I'm always the first thing on his mind
Can't stop talking about me
Would never let another guy touch me
Beat up anyone who messes with me
Won't keep secrets from me
Told me that he would do anything for me
Would do anything to keep my big smile on my beautiful face
Worry about little things that happen to me
I'm the last person he would talk to every night
Always on the positive side when it comes to talking to me
Make me laugh when I'm sad
Wishes to be here with me when I cry
Thinks I have big boobs and a sexy body
Loves me for who I am

This is what we feel for each other
Or so I think so...
But I know deep down in his heart
That I have a special part of him there that he won't give up to anyone else
Cause he has that part of his heart filled and I have a part of my heart filled
With his love...
What am I suppose to say? I know its corny...
You can't help a girl that's in love can you?
But there isn't a cure for it, sorry
When you have it, you have it
And that's a major event in your life that I bet you
You'll remember!

((Dedicated to my boyfriend A.K))