Thos ewho live usually deserve to die.
And those who die usually deserve to live. Those of you who have had a person die before their time in your life, i offer this; visit their graves once. They don't want you there. At least i wouldn't. To rest in peace means to rest undisturbed. You hear me? Leave them be. The grave yard is not a frightening place. If anything it should be therapudic. Being that close to the spirit world(yes i believe in it) should be good for the soul. Even if the soul should cease to exist. You could die at any time.(look out behind you by the way, theres a guy with a chainsaw) and so our meager lifes continue to go on. If you think about it, none of us are really significant. We are just one little minute in time.(good stuff huh) You may think yourself to be important(obama) but you are really insignificant. Theres some thing to think about while i ponder other things to write about........I wish you all a thoughtful life........